Ave.ai Smart Money

Every day, countless meme coins are created across various public blockchains. Some turn into profitable "Alpha" while others quickly fall to zero. So, how can you identify a promising Gold Dog meme coin? One smart approach is to track "smart money"—addresses that consistently generate profits on-chain.

Ave.ai leverages on-chain big data to analyze trading frequency, profitability, win rates, and other metrics to filter out high-performing smart money addresses. The platform also supports copy trading functionality. Currently, this feature is available on six blockchains: Solana, BSC, Base, Ethereum, Tron, and Sui.

1. Smart Money Leaderboard

The Smart Money Leaderboard is by default sorted according to the PnL (Profit and Loss) of each smart money address:


The total profit or loss for the address over the past 30 days, including both realized and unrealized gains


The total amount traded by the smart money address

Number of Transactions (Txns)

The total number of trades executed by the smart money address

Win Rate

The ratio of profitable trades to the total number of trades

30-Day Token Distribution

The breakdown of tokens based on profit multiples (e.g., tokens that have achieved 10x, 4-10x, 2-4x returns, etc.)

Top 3 Profitable Tokens

The top three tokens in which the smart money address has generated the most profit, along with the corresponding profit amounts

2. Advanced Filtering of Smart Money Performance

Ave.ai allows you to further filter smart money addresses to identify the highest-quality ones. You can filter by:

  • The number of tokens in different profit ranges (based on PnL)

  • The timestamp of the most recent transaction

This helps you pinpoint addresses that exhibit both outstanding performance and high trading activity.

You can search for smart money addresses using the site-wide search bar, address filters in the list, or the search box on the right side of the chain to view data for any address you choose. This enables you to access data for any specific address you wish to examine.

When you search for a wallet address using the site-wide search box, Ave.ai will display the current Top 10 popular smart money wallets.

Smart Money Address Detail Page

On the smart money address detail page, you can view the tokens that the address has traded recently.

Clicking on a token will provide you with a quick preview of the detailed trading operations that the smart money address performed on that token.

Last updated