Token Page & Trading System
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Last updated
Below is an overview of the trading system.
For definitions of the various distinctive icons used in trading activities, please refer to:
Support multi-chain portfolio management and rapid trading on a single interface across Solana, ETH, BSC, and Base.
Quickly check your favorite tokens' price and profit changes and execute trades on the fly.
You can also keep an eye on market trends for popular tokens to discover the next potential 1000x Alpha token.
Get a quick overview of the token’s essential details:
Token Identifier (Tokens not yet recognized by the platform are shown with a single-letter, monochrome identifier—please be mindful of the associated risks)
Token Name
Public Chain
(If Applicable) Launch Platform
Token Contract Address
Liquidity Pool Address
Creation Time
Displays the recent smart money buy and sell volumes (transactions over $10). For more details, please refer to the Smart Money introduction.
For Outer Market Tokens: View the holding changes of the top 50 holders once the token is finalized.
For Pump Inner Market or Other Non-Pump Tokens: View the holdings of the first 50 buyers.
For more on the concepts of launch platforms, on-chain, and external markets, please refer to the MEME Launch Platforms section.
Click the security Rug Pull icon to view the current token’s runaway probability and details, including:
Historical rug pull incidents by the token’s developer
Reasons for past rug pulls (e.g., remove liquidity, price dumping)
Abnormal token distribution patterns
Market Observation: Monitor the token’s price or market cap trends and use a variety of tools available in the toolbar to enhance your trading decisions.
Unit Selection: Easily toggle between SOL and USD units, and choose to display either token price or market cap.
Customizable Marks: Right-click on any blank area of the chart and select “Hide marks on bars” to toggle the display of icons (such as developer trades, smart money, KOL, etc.).
Scale Adjustment: Right-click on the price/market cap column on the right and select “Move scales to left/right” to reposition it.
FX Indicators: Click on “fx indicators” to add your preferred chart indicators—for example, type “volume” to add a trading volume indicator.
Optionally enable one-click trading below the chart for rapid execution in line with the chart’s movements.
Displays transaction activity records down to the second, keeping you updated on the latest token trading dynamics.
Click the “Bubblemaps” button at the top right to visit the website and explore interconnections among token holder addresses.
Access the latest transaction information, which is categorized by groups such as smart money, developers, KOLs, phishing addresses, new wallets, conspiracy wallets, snipers, bundled wallets, and suspected insider accounts.
Pause on Hover: Moving your mouse over the lower trading activity panel will pause the live feed, allowing you to analyze transactions more effectively.
View the token’s current holder data, with categorizations including Top Gainer/Loser, 24H Buyers/Sellers, smart money, developers, Bundles, whale wallets, and phishing wallets.
Suspected insider addresses are flagged to help determine if market manipulators are using multiple small wallets to dump tokens quickly.
Phishing wallets are also flagged when tokens are transferred in without a corresponding purchase.
In both the trading history and holders list, clicking on a specific wallet type lets you quickly review all transactions associated with that category. (For example, selecting “smart wallets” in the list will display detailed transaction operations for those wallets in the right panel.)
The current SOL balance of the wallet
Transfers In/Out
The time of the wallet’s first transaction
Total Buy/Sell
The cumulative buy and sell amounts for the wallet
Total PnL
Total Profit = Realized Profit + Unrealized Profit
Number of Transactions
Green indicates the number of buy transactions; red indicates the number of sell transactions
Transaction History
A detailed history of the wallet’s buy and sell transactions for the token
View the status of your pending orders and all your token trading records.
Access a comprehensive set of metrics for the token, including total trading volume/number, number of wallets, net buys, liquidity, opening price, 24H turnover rate, burn pool ratio, and more.
Buy: Options for Market Buy or Limit Order
Sell: Options for Market Sell or Auto Sell
Sell Half at Double: Automatically sell half of your holdings to recoup your initial investment when the token price doubles, with the remaining portion enjoying “free holding” profits.
For more information on Double Out, slippage, priority fees, anti-sandwich measures, fees, and other charges, please refer to Limit Order
View all details related to the liquidity pool, including the token’s creator, pool creation date, total supply, liquidity, and more.